Table of contents
- Preface
- Aleksandar R. Miletić: 1914 Revisited. Commemoration of the WWI centenary in Serbia
- András Joó: The Origins and Legacy of World War I. An (Austro-)Hungarian Perspective
- Ivan Hrstić: Croatian Historiography of World War I. – How to win a war by losing it?
- Slávka Otčenášová: “The Truth Wins”: Interpretations of World War I in School History Education in Slovakia from 1918 until Present (A History Textbook Narratives Analysis)
- Tomasz Pudłocki: Gender, Nation and Memory – the Case of the Memory of the First World War among Polish Women on the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland, 1918–1939
- Magda Arsenicz: The Battle of Lviv in November 1918 as “the memory place” for the Polish and the Ukrainian people
- Gábor Egry – Róbert Takács: Pieces from the puzzle of the memory of WWI in Central and Eastern Europe 154
- Expert questionnaire on the memory of the WWI
Filip Hameršak
Gabriela Dudeková
Milan Ristović–Olga Manojlović Pintar
Liljana Dobrovšak
Helmut Konrad
- ALEKSANDAR R. MILETIĆ (Institute for Recent History of Serbia)
- ANDRÁS JOÓ (Veritas Institute, Budapest)
- IVAN HRSTIĆ (Ivo Pillar Institute for Social Sciences, Zagreb)
- SLÁVKA OTČENÁŠOVÁ (Department of History. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice)
- TOMASZ PUDŁOCKI (Jagellonian University, Kraków)
- MAGDA ARSENICZ (Jagellonian University, Kraków)
- GÁBOR EGRY (Institute of Political History, Budapest)
- RÓBERT TAKÁCS (Institute of Political History, Budapest)
- FILIP HAMERŠAK (Miroslav Krleža Lexicographic Institute, Zagreb)
- GABRIELA DUDEKOVÁ (Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
- MILAN RISTOVIĆ (Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade)
- OLGA MANOJLOVIĆ PINTAR (Institut for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade)
- LILJANA DOBROVŠAK (Ivo Pilar Institute for Social Sciences, Zagreb)
- HELMUT KONRAD (Karl-Franzens University, Graz)